Look Down
Case Study

I conducted this case study while studying in Cortona Italy, where I embarked on a comprehensive field study to examine the diverse mosaic floors found throughout the country. I titled this endeavor "Look Down" and dedicated my time to collecting and analyzing data on these intricate works of art. To effectively organize and present my findings, I utilized a multi-modal approach, first creating an informative infographic poster as an initial means of data visualization, and subsequently compiling all my research in a detailed accordion book, which served as the final repository of my discoveries.

The Layout

The first half of the book highlights each location I studied, including facts and images relating to the mosaics. These pages are arranged in the order in which the mosaics were made, as the arrow flowing through each of these pages indicates. The second half of the book then shows a map of the images, again in order of their age. However, the lines which connect the images on the map are not an indication of a timeline but connect mosaics from different times and locations which take inspiration from each other.

Project Discription ········· Case study 
Medium ······················ Adobe Indesign,  Illustrator, Photoshop 
Created ····················· Italy, 2022