Project Discription ········· Performance Piece
Medium ······················ Adobe Photoshop
Created ····················· 2021
The Presentable Woman

"The Presentable Woman" performance piece reflects on beauty standards for women and the artificial measures taken to meet them. Using saran wrap to symbolize the suffocating process, the final photos show the distorted reality created by societal pressures.

Suffocating Love
An Exploration of Emotional Tension Through Photography

The objective of this photography series was to showcase the emotions of being overwhelmed by affection from others and the subsequent struggle to break free, symbolized by wrapping a subject in flowers and then depicting their release from the constraints.

Project Discription ········· Performance Piece
Medium ······················ Adobe Photoshop
Created ····················· 2021


I utilized saran wrap to bind a subject in flowers and capture moments of intense emotion through photography, culminating in the subject breaking free from the flowery constraints.

Thus, creating a series of powerful images that convey the tumultuous emotions of being suffocated by love and the longing for affection even after breaking free.