Project Discription ········· Publication Design  

Medium ······················ Adobe Indesign/Photoshop
Created ····················· 2023

Using the text of the essay “The Page” from the book “Species of Spaces and Other Pieces” by Georges Perec, I designed a publication that explores and comments on the ideas in the essay. Perec's wordplay provides ample opportunities for typographic and spatial expression and exploration. I used typography both as a vehicle of information/copy and as a design element, using type as an image/form.


The beginning of the design process!

I physically printed out the essay's text and engaged in a process of cutting, gluing, taping, and even using the copier to deliberately distort the text. This allowed me to manipulate and experiment with the text in various ways to achieve a visually striking and conceptually rich designs which I then further studied through photoshop.