The Page 

Project Description ········· Publication Design  
Medium ······················ Adobe Indesign/Photoshop
Created ····················· 2023
Using the essay "The Page" from Georges Perec's book "Species of Spaces and Other Pieces," I designed a publication exploring its ideas. 

Perec's wordplay inspired typographic and spatial expression. Typography was used both to convey information and as a design element, treating type as an image or form.

Design ProcessThe beginning of the design process involved physically printing out the essay's text and cutting, gluing, taping, and even using the copier to intentionally distort it. 

This hands-on approach allowed for manipulation and experimentation, resulting in visually striking and conceptually rich designs that were further refined using Photoshop.

Final DesingnThe final publication featured a blend of scanned images from the tactile manipulations in the initial exploration, alongside digital elements inspired by the physical process of scanning and distorting the text.