The One Club Project 

Sustainability-focused fashion brand

The One Club project addresses the environmental and social issues stemming from fast fashion by promoting mindful consumption. Focused on younger generations, particularly Gen Z, it aims to create a design solution encouraging the adoption of higher-quality, ethically sourced products.

Pt. 1  ---  Identifying the Challenge
My research focused on fashion's environmental impact and ways to drive positive change through consumer behavior. By exploring the link between fashion and sustainability, I aimed to find actionable strategies for reducing the industry's ecological footprint.

Pt. 2  ---  Design
How can designadvocate for sustainability in the fashion industry by encourage American Gen-Z, Millennial’s to invest in more sustainable clothing initiatives?

I founded The One Club in response to the fashion industry's environmental impact. Our mission is to educate and empower consumers to make sustainable choices. The brand offers a Sweatsuit line and an online platform with educational resources. Through design advocacy and practical guides, we aim to inspire mindful shopping habits and foster meaningful conversations about sustainability.

Logo Design Iteration

Pt. 3  ---  Product Design
A. Sweatshirt
B. Educational Zine
C. Website

A.Hoodie Design

In designing the hoodie, the goal was to strike a balance: simple enough for everyday wear yet intriguing to prompt inquiries, spreading awareness about The One Club.

B.Educat-ional Zine

The goal was to offer customers more than just a hoodie, but a tangible item that's both informative and enjoyable. The accompanying zine aims to entertain and educate, presenting our mission in a playful tone.

C. Website

The success of The One Club hinges on its online platform, serving as both an ecommerce site and a resource hub for sustainable shopping education.

Personal Logo

In my typographic journey, I aimed to craft my personal logo. Starting with introspection to grasp my essence and preferred styles, I ventured into design exploration. After trying different options, I settled on a design that harmonizes contrasting elements, blending whimsy with sophistication. This logo embodies my unique style, fusing timeless elegance with a modern twist. Integrating trendy fonts, it maintains its distinct identity, truly reflecting who I am.
Project Discription ········· Typographic Exploration 
Medium ······················ Adobe Indesign/Illustrator
Created ····················· 2021-2022

What is Typographic Exploration?

Typographic exploration is the process of experimenting with typefaces, layouts, and designs to find the most effective and visually appealing way to present text. The exploration includes trying different font styles, sizes, spacing, colors, and layouts to achieve readability, visual appeal, and a compelling message.

It Starts on Paper!

At the onset of determining my logo, I began by freehand sketching every concept that came to mind without focusing too heavily on what I was doing, just letting my mind flow onto the paper. I employed certain self-selected adjectives as a guiding principle for these sketches and approached each design with specific objectives in mind to thoroughly explore all potential options.

Job Description ········· Contract Graphic Designer    

Company···················Nana Jacquiline (fashion brand)
Date ····················· June-December 2023

As a contract graphic designer at Nana Jacqueline, I worked alongside the creative director to design newsletters, sales assets, engaging Instagram graphics, web banners, and dynamic GIFs, to optimize cross-platform compatibility and enhance marketing materials.


Email assets are consistently dispatched to the  Nana Jaquiline email list, typically 3-4 times a week.

In my role, I closely collaborated with Gabi Nelson, the Digital Marketing & Ecommerce Director. Gabi provided me with the information theme and inspiration for the emails, and I would then assemble them with a quick turnaround, typically within about three days.


Web/Mobile Banners:

I was responsible for designing Digital Marketing & E-commerce web and mobile device banners for every launch or major sale, drawing inspiration from carefully curated mood boards and photo shoots.







Job Description ········· Marketing Intern  
Company···················Love Shack Fancy (fashion brand)
Date ····················· June-August 2023

In my role, I assisted with social media management tasks such as researching trends, creating graphics, scheduling content, covering brand events, and behind-the-scenes photography.

I also got to use my graphic desing skills to make many advertisement assets andinstagram graphics for the marketing team.        


Graphics assist buyers in planning their purchases for new launches, shopping for special occasions or holidays, and bring people to engage in our content.

For sales graphics, I chose imagery I found most impactful from the shoots. I designed and copywrote graphics to be posted on Instagram, which followed the brand's guidelines.

Focusing on design students and professors at the University of Georgia, I conducted a study to assess the current level of accessible design education in the curriculum and explore strategies to simplify and improve its integration into design classes.

I then designed a pamphlet to document the findings from the study, along with the essential steps for designing inclusively, for distribution amungst students, professors, designers, and more! 
Project Discription ········· Case Study  
Medium ······················ Adobe Indesign/
Created ····················· Fall 2023


Brainstorming+ Collaging 

Desk Research

Curriculum Gaps:
  • Accessible design is often treated as an add-on rather than a fundamental aspect of design education (Whitney, 2020) Existing Research:
  • Research often neglects individual differences among software users, and there is a limited collaboration between human interface designers and those in the mainstream field. (Edwards, 1995)

Creating a Guideline

  • A specific study in Siri Lanka focused on designing a guideline to overcome these web accessibility issues.

    • (1)Limited access due to impairments. (2) User issues due to bad design. (3) Lack of available impaired-friendly applications. (4) Lack of communication. (5) Web Navigation issues

The Pamphlet on the back aims not only to identify existing gaps but also to propose practical solutions for a more inclusive and informed design community: